

Hate It or Love It: Valentine's Day Edition

From the start, one of the the weekly features I hoped to create for this blog was an mp3 post every Wednesday. This being the first week that things have really got up and running, I figured today was perfect for the inaugural mp3 post. My original intention was to start with Cui Jian, for a discussion of Chinese music isn't complete without paying tribute to the Godfather. However, today being Valentine's Day and Lao Cui's music being what it is, I decided to hold off for another week on that one.

For those in love:
陈明 - 爱情的原因 : Chen Ming - Love's Reason
I really like this song, its one of the few I'd dare attempt a karaoke, and for whatever reason, every time I hear it, I think it has a sort of "Dirty Dancing" quality to it. If this was on that soundtrack, it would not seem inappropriate.

For those who don't like the day or are angry about their current love status:
张震岳 - 走到底

For those who go for the sadder songs:
迪克牛仔 - 有多少爱可以重来
another classic song, another one of my favorites...

and finally, though it has nothing to do with Valentine's Day, here's the classic Spring Festival song:
陈红 - 常回家看看 : Chen Hong - Come Home Often

ps: Just want to wish everyone out there a Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you enjoy this first effort. If there are any problems listening to the songs, please tell me, I hope this works.

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